Lianol ferti
Lianol Ferti offers a higher farrowing rate and treated sows come into heat sooner. Lianol Ferti stimulates the complex fertility processes in a natural way making heat detection easier. This is realized through enhancing an important body’s own growth factor around weaning (IGF-1*). Lianol Ferti ensures an improved energy balance around weaning.
This growth factor (IGF-1) also ensures higher quality egg-cells. Once ovulated, they will develop better and attach more easily to the uterine wall. As a result, sows come into heat better, they need to be re-served less and they will produce more uniform litters. When the numbers are added up, Ferti improves the overall results.

- full occupancy in the farrowing stable
Lianol Ferti results in:
- Sows coming into heat sooner and more clearly
- A higher farrowing rate
- Smoother management of the breeding stable
- Less adverse effects of heat stress
Is Lianol a hormone?
No, Lianol isn’t a hormone. Lianol is an active, natural molecule originating from a fermentation process. Lianol supports the immune system and stimulates the production of a natural, body's-own growth factor (IGF-1), causing the IGF-1 content to rise.
What is IGF-1?
IGF-1 stands for insulin-like growth factor. Like the name declares, it’s like "the brother" of insulin. Both messenger substances play an important role in various development processes of the body.
Insulin determines a tight regulation of the blood sugar level. It ensures that there is always enough energy available for the body to work with.
However, the growth factor IGF-1ensures the growth and development of all types of body cells and organs. These are, for example, egg-cells, muscle cells, blood vessels, etc. In this way, insulin and IGF-1 are compatible.
FAQ Lianol ferti
What to expect when using Lianol Ferti?
Treated sows will have a shorter weaning to estrus interval. This will make the breeding management easier. Sows come into heat more clearly which makes heat detection easier. Sows tend “to stand” longer and better.
Sows need to be re-served less which leads to a higher farrowing rate and filled up farrowing pens.
Can Lianol replace oestrus suppressing means after weaning (Altrenogest)?
Yes. These products are increasingly used for high prolific sows post-weaning. They “pause” the sow’s cycle and allow for her to be placed in another group. This allows sows to recover from the condition loss they suffered during lactation without them interfering with the breeding management.
Suppressing a sow’s cycle is a very costly solution! At € 3 per non-productive day this method comes with a minimal cost of € 21 per week per sow. Depending on the management system it can lead to a manifold.
Lianol stimulates the sow from the inside out by boosting her own hormonal system. This ensures that she will come into heat better and can be served successfully at only a fraction of the costs.
Can Lianol replace hormone injections after weaning?
It is possible to force a gilt or sow to come into heat with hormone shots. But once inseminated, these treated animals regularly need to be re-served. Lianol stimulates the sow from the inside out by boosting her own hormonal system. This enhances the fertility and prevents the sow from being re-served.
How come Lianol has a positive effect during periods of heat stress?
During warmer periods, all sows tend to eat less. However, their piglets require the same amount of energy in order to grow. This means that sows have to rely on their body reserves even more. When these heavily emaciated sows enter the breeding stable, they will come into heat poorly and will be served with great difficulty.
When these sows eventually do farrow, they will produce smaller litters with weakened piglets. With Lianol added around weaning or during lactation, the IGF-1 level will rise, causing the sows to come into heat sooner and to be re-served less.
Which sows do I treat after weaning?
Always analyze the technical results per parity and proceed from there. Best is to treat all the sows because the growth factor IGF-1 not only decreases with a deteriorated condition but also with age. This is easily done with Lianol Solapro mixed with the diet.
Simplest is to make a selection pre-weaning when individual treatment is preferred. The selection should contain gilts, all 1st and 2de parity sows and all animals with a deteriorated body condition.
Do I still have to use extra sugar after weaning?
This is not strictly necessary, although the body condition of the sows must be acceptable. It is generally recommended to provide an energy dense feed after weaning (flush diet). It will always be more rewarding to prevent condition loss during lactation than to provide extra sugar after weaning.
I already provide sugar to my sows after weaning to improve fertility. Why do I need Lianol as well?
Sugar (dextrose) increases the insulin content of every animal. High insulin content has a positive effect on heat detection of sows. However, post-ovulating, insulin plays no major role in prevention of sows needing to be re-served. Lianol on the other hand, has a wider impact by increasing the growth factor content IGF-1.
Prior to ovulation; Lianol causes:
- Stimulation of the ovaries
- Improvement of quality of ovulating egg-cells (FSH/LH sensitivity is increased)
- Improvement of heat detection
Post-ovulating; it is the growth factor IGF-1 that causes the egg-cells to attach to the uterine wall and the placenta to develop. Therefore, Lianol has an influence on both heat detection and sows needing to be re-served. Due to being complementary to insulin, Lianol enhances the effect of dextrose.
How does Lianol Ferti work?
In order for a sow to be served successfully after weaning, the ovaries must produce high-quality egg-cells. To do so, the ovaries have to receive a specific signal from the brain (FSH/LH release). This will result in egg-cells maturing so they can be fertilized successfully.
The brain will only release this specific signal if the levels of insulin and the growth factor IGF-1 are high enough. Based on the quantity of these 2 hormones, the brain will know the current nutritional status of the sow. Insulin and the growth factor IGF-1 are, so to speak, a thermostat for the body’s nutritional status. This ingenious system prevents a sow from ovulating if it lacks the feed or body condition to bring a possible gestation to a successful ending.
If, after weaning, a sow has a bad body condition, both hormone levels will be low and the sow will often not come into heat. If a sow is in bad condition but receives a sugar-rich diet (flush feeding), the insulin level will rise. The IGF-1 level on the other hand will only slowly recover. As a result, a sow will come into heat and can be served, but mostly unsuccessfully.
If a sow is in a bad condition but receives a flush diet and Lianol, she will come into heat and will be served successfully! Lianol Ferti and flushing diets are complementary to each other.
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User experience

Better heat signaling for weakened sows
Gaston Ploumen, sow farmer in Klimmen, has good experiences with Lianol ferti for breeding sows. The sows stand faster, longer and better.

Lianol® Ferti permits us to successfully service all the gilts after synchronization
Together Frank and Ester have a closed pig farm with 730 sows, 80 breeding pigs and 4500 fatteners. They work within a 4-week system in order to manage the work themselves. The sows are cared for together, while Frank is also managing the rearing and finishing pigs.

With Lianol® Ferti everything goes flawless
Wim Pluk's sow farm is located in Boekel (The Netherlands). With 1,600 sows and 15,000 finishers, it is one of the larger farms in the region. Since Wim Pluk uses Lianol® Ferti, the results have improved even further. “With Lianol® Ferti, I effortlessly tackle the most difficult group of sows within my company. As a result, I’m not only having better results, but also generate labour savings. This gives me the most satisfaction. ”

Lianol® gives me labour savings
In Zieuwert, direction east in the Netherlands, Bart ten Have runs a nice dairy cattle - sow farm in partnership with his parents. For some time Bart has been giving his first parity sows Lianol® Ferti. His conclusion? “Thanks to Lianol® Ferti, I can make optimal use of my farrowing stable and I get more profit out of my sows. It really gives a big difference."

With Lianol® we save up to 70% of the weaker piglets
Sow farm De Wit in Venlo has around 750 sows. Mr. and Mrs. Francken, who run the company, achieved excellent results with Lianol® Colostro and Lianol® Ferti.

Since using Lianol® Ferti at my farm, I wean 0.6 more piglets per litter and this without any loss of quality
Mr. Gerben was contacted by his veterinarian asking if he was willing to participate in a trial with Lianol® Ferti.
Scientific Research/ Press
Scientific research
Research shows the positive impact of Lianol Ferti on the performance of sows and piglets.
* Click for an enlargement
Check out the use of Lianol around weaning too.